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10 Oct, 2022

What is Capoeira?

Capoeira is a mix of fight, dance, rhythm, gymnastics, and music.

One of the most fascinating’s aspects of the brasilian culture, capoeira his a martial art. The capoeira inside its form and fundaments, as no similarity with other dances or any other martial art. It is an art created and developed in Brazil. Inside of all its historical/social context of a country, that has so many diverse cultural interferences. The indian, the negro, and the white made the capoeira what it his represented nowadays and spread all over the World.

It’s perfect symbiose of strength, rhythm and agility commanded by the music, and instruments it’s what it’s make it unique in the World. 

What Capoeira can do for a student?

  • an art that resumes fight, culture, music and gymnastics;
  • gives technic, strength, physical coordination, statically balance/ dynamic and also an excellent workout for the cardiovascular system; 
  • values likes respect for others, respect for rules, fun and competition;
  • an art that promotes the formation of both mental and physical character for a person; 
  • develops the self-esteem, socialization and social integrity;
  •  there’s no barriers for the practice of capoeira; 

From simple to complex, from beginner to Master, capoeira is only one!


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